Window Fashion VISION

Electronic Advertising

Extend your reach further into the window coverings industry by optimizing VISION’s unique electronic opportunities!


Companies wishing to reach our audience with a single product idea are invited to participate in eSpotlights. Each email features a single company and goes out to 9,000 VISION readers.


  • Subject line
  • Introduction or headline
  • 100 words of body copy
  • Image: 620 x 620 pixels at 72 dpi or higher, jpeg, or .gif format, RGB
  • Links to embed within the body of the eSpotlight
  • Contact information – phone and email

Space Reservation Deadline: Reserve eSpotlights early, at least one month prior to desired send date.

Materials Due: One week prior to scheduled send date.

Newsletter Advertorials

Newsletter Banner Ads

Our VISION business newsletter goes out to 10,000 industry professionals monthly and features updates on industry news, events, and promotions. Add your press release and banner to this well-read industry newsletter to reach new buyers. During peak show months (November through March) the newsletter goes out two times per month!

Horizontal Banner: 280 x 160 pixels at 72 dpi, RGB, jpeg or .gif format.

Materials Due: One week prior to scheduled send date.

Customized Webinars

Webinars are an excellent way to reach hundreds of interested dealers across the country. You develop and deliver a one-hour PowerPoint webinar detailing how your product or service can help dealers increase their business. We promote this to our dealer base and you receive the list of all registered attendees.

Unlock Your Potential

Grace McNamara
President & CEO
Ania McNamara
VP of Marketing & Sales

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